Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cash sales_____Rush order.

Cash Sales

1)      The sales document type of cash sales is CS and Delivery document type is BV.

2)      In cash sales the system will create a delivery document automatically when you save the sales order.

3)      The system will generate an invoice immediately after saving the order and the customer will pay for the delivery.

4)      Since the customer is paying immediately after saving the sales order the billing is order related.

5)      Receivables are not created for the customer, since the customer is paying you immediately; the amount in the invoice is posted to a cash account.

6)      The system will not check the credit limit of the customer in this sales document type.

7)      When the sales employee creates a cash sale, the system automatically proposes the current date as the date for delivery and billing.

8)      The invoice papers are controlled with output type RD03, contained in the output determination procedure for order type CS

Rush Order

1)      The sales document for Rush order is RO and delivery document type is LF

2)      When you save the rush order, a delivery is automatically created in the standard system.

3)      Once the goods have been removed from storage location, the goods are picked, and goods issue is posted.

4)      Billing the rush order takes place as normal, after the delivery.

5)      Once the billing document is created, system prints the invoice and sent to the customer.

6)      The billing is delivery related.

7)   As like in a standard order receivables are created for the customer when the billing document is saved.

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